How Do They Generate Electricity?

 They boil water Using fossil fuels or nuclear fuels, and the steam from the water spins the Turbines which are connected to a spin inside a large metal coil which produces an alternating current which is sent to the transformer which Basicly just transforms the alternating AC energy into normal household electricity which is sent of all around the country by big pylons and electronic wires. Instead of using fossil fuels, wind power and wave power can be used to spin the turbines directly. If you think that the power stations waste alot of water then you are quite wrong. They designed so that when the steam goes back water falls into a large water containers which gradualy feed the water back to where it started!!!

So what is a tranformer and what does it do?

A transformer changes a high Voltage supply to a low voltage supply, and a Low Voltage supply to a high voltage suppy. If it increases the voltage it is called a step up transformer, If it chagesit from high to low then it is called a step down transformer!!!

How does the Electricity get from the power stations to peoples homes?

It travels through the national grid. Because of when electricity passes through cables and wires at high current the loose some energy through heat, the power stations send electricity at high voltage and low current. This is one of the ways in which they make them selves more efficiant!!!